Gatekeepers of Medicine: The Systematic Exclusion of Immigrant Doctors

This powerful documentary delves into the systemic challenges faced by international medical graduates (IMGs) in the United States, exploring their untapped potential amidst a looming national healthcare crisis. Featuring the journey of Dr. Mohamed Khalif and the Washington Academy for International Medical Graduates (TIMGA), the film uncovers the barriers posed by outdated legislation, institutional biases, and systemic gatekeeping that prevent thousands of qualified doctors from practicing medicine.

Through emotional testimonials, gripping narratives, and impactful visuals, the documentary highlights key victories, such as the passage of Washington’s temporary IMG licensing bill in 2021, and the ongoing fight for permanency before the bill expires in 2025. It also sheds light on the crucial role IMGs played during the COVID-19 pandemic and their transformative impact on underserved communities, with 40 doctors serving over 35,000 patients annually.

At its heart, “Gatekeepers of Medicine” is a story of resilience, advocacy, and hope. It showcases the collective efforts of lawmakers, community leaders, and IMGs who challenge the status quo, fighting not just for themselves but for a healthcare system that truly serves everyone. The documentary calls for action to secure a permanent pathway for IMGs, ensuring they can continue to provide critical care where it is needed most.